World Missions

Pastor Cristian (Cristi) Ionescu
Cristi received Christ in June1994 at the age of 24 through the ministry of a team from Calvary Chapel Prescott. Shortly after that he attended Calvary Chapel Bible School in Szeged, Hungary from 1994-1995, where he met Steve Quarles.
Cristi started working alongside the Quarles family in 1996 as translator and helper in the various ministries and eventually leading the midweek Bible study and filling in for Steve when absent. Since the return of the Quarles family to the United States, he has taken on the role of full-time pastor/teacher.
To support the work in Romania make checks out to:
Calvary Chapel Lake Elsinore
P.O. Box 1169 Lake Elsinore Ca. 92531
Please mark checks "Romania" in the memo section.

Melissa Wood
Melissa also serves the Church in Romania. She helps with various tasks there as well as other ministries in the surrounding area. She is part of our regular monthly missionary support.

Due to increased persecution of our ministry partner and his team in India, it is necessary to limit the details of the work and those involved! Pastor Steve has had a relationship with those there since his first trip to India in 1998. In addition to sharing the Gospel and planting churches, the work includes meeting the physical needs of the outcasts in India, such as orphans, lepers, and the blind, all in Jesus name.
To support our partner in India make checks out to:
Calvary Chapel Lake Elsinore
P.O. Box 1169 Lake Elsinore Ca. 92531
Please mark checks "India" in the memo section.
Baskets Of Love
"Baskets Of Love" is the ministry of a sister here at CCLE. Ester Rocha makes periodic trips to her home
country of Brazil to distribute food and household supplies to the needy living in the poorest areas.
Watch the video to learn more about this ministry.