We believe it is important to minister to everyone at a level that is understandable and relevant to their age group. That's why we provide “Children's Church” for K thru 6th grade during our 10:00am. Sunday services. We also have a mother's room for nursing moms. While we believe it is usually the best option for your children to be in the Children's Church, it is still your choice, and you are welcome to have your child attend the regular service with you in the Main Sanctuary.
There is a class for 7th -12th grade youth during the 10:00am. Sunday morning service.
After the kids worship with the adults in the main Sanctuary, they go to their own classroom in the Children's Church side of the building.
Men's Tuesday Night Bible Study
Meets at 7:00pm. either at the church or online with GoToMeeting!
Please click on this link to sign up.
For more info about the study, send an email to Pastor Gilbert
For issues with connecting, send an email to
Women's Thursday Bible Study In-Person or Online: 9:30am and 6:30pm.*
You may join our Online meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
- One-touch: tel:+18722403212,,944581957# Or dial in United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
When prompted, enter Access Code: 944-581-957
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Spanish Ministry
Nuestra filosofía es sencilla: Adorar al Señor y ensenar su palabra versiculo por versiculo a traves de la Biblia.
Experimente el amor de Dios al escuchar un mensaje de buenas noticias y esperanza para su vida y la de su familia.
• Servicio los domingos a las 1:00 p.m.
• Tenemos ministerio de niños.
Worship / Music
The Music Ministry of CCLE is an extension of our worship to the Lord. Our style is contemporary and upbeat. We have also produced a number of CDs of original worship songs by worship leader, Dave Morrow, that are available in the church office, at, or on iTunes and Spotify.