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Who We Are


Steve Wright

Steve is the Senior Pastor at CCLE.  Steve has been teaching the Bible for over 20 years, and has been our Senior Pastor since 2008. For more, please click here for his bio.
You can reach Pastor Steve by email at,

Dave Morrow

Dave is the Assistant Pastor/Administrator as well as a Worship Leader here, and has been on staff at CCLE since 1992.

You can reach Pastor Dave by email at,

Gilbert Campas

Gilbert is our Associate Pastor. He teaches various Bible Studies, leads the prayer meeting on Tuesday and Saturday morning, and fulfills many other rolls at CCLE.

You can reach Pastor Gilbert at,

Alfredo Martinez

Alfredo is an Associate Pastor and leads our Spanish Language Ministry. 

You can reach Pastor Alfredo at,

Board of Directors

Rick Horrmann
Jeannie Denning
Tony O'Berry
Pastors Dave and Gilbert
serve as Advisors to the Board.
Steve Wright
To contact the Board, click on
this link and complete the form.

Our Statement of Faith

Calvary Chapel Lake Elsinore is simply a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, who gather together to worship Him.


Our desire is to know Him better, and to be conformed into His image by the teaching of His Word and by the power of His Holy Spirit. 


We believe:


The only true basis for Christian fellowship is God's love, through a relationship with His Son Jesus Christ, as revealed in his Word. 


We believe:


Worship of God should be... in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.   John 4:23



•.   We want to remain flexible so that the Holy Spirit may direct our worship.

•.   We want to emphasize the teaching of the Bible so that we may know God in truth, and allow Him to instruct us as to how He would be worshiped.

•.   We want to allow a great emphasis on music in our worship so that it would be inspirtational and we may   ...sing to Him a new song.  Psalm 33:3

•.   We want our worship to bear the fruit of God's love in our lives as a result of meeting with Him on His terms.  


We believe:


The Bible is the Word of God and without error in all issues to which it speaks. It is our authority in all areas of doctrine and life. 


There is one God, eternal, a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three persons of the one Godhead share equally, fully, and simultaneously in all the attributes of God. God is the Creator of the universe and all things within it. 


The eternal Son, Jesus Christ, took on humanity by means of the virgin birth. He was born sinless, and lived a sinless life. He died as the sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. He physically rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. He will someday return and setup His kingdom upon the earth. 


The first man, Adam, was created by God sinless, but chose to disobey God’s command, bringing sin and death upon himself and a curse to this world. As a result, all individuals since are born with a sinful nature, separated from God, and in need of salvation. 

Salvation is a gift of God’s grace through personal faith in Jesus Christ. The gospel describes this saving faith as belief in Jesus’ death for one’s sins, and belief in His resurrection. After death, those who have believed the gospel will live forever in the heavenly presence of God, while those who have not believed the gospel will be separated from God in hell for all eternity for their sins. 


The moment one sincerely believes the gospel, he/she is born again, and only then is truly a Christian. All Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation, and should seek to live a holy life, pleasing to God. Although a Christian may sin, these sins are still forgiven by God on the merits of Jesus Christ. However, the evidence of true salvation will show itself in the growth and development of a Godly lifestyle under the direction and power of the Holy Spirit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get involved in ministry?

We ask that anyone desiring to get involved in any area of ministry here, attend CCLE and consider this to be your "Church Home".  Most of the time, when we have a need in a particular ministry, we will make an announcement and provide a way for you to contact us if you are interested. However, if there is an area of ministry that you feel God leading you into, feel free to just ask one of the pastors, or ministry leaders about it, or just send an email to You will be asked to fill out a Ministry Application and return it to the church office.  As part of our regular policy, we perform a background check on all applicants.  If you have any questions about this process, please ask to speak to one of the pastors.


When do you have baptisms, and what do I need to do?

We have no set schedule for baptisms. However, we try to plan at least 1 in the summer months. We will announce when a baptism is scheduled several weeks in advance so that you can make plans. If you feel the need to be baptized sooner, please let us know. We will do our best to accommodate you. The only requirement that we have for baptism is that you be a believer in Jesus Christ, and have come to a saving knowledge of Him. We believe that the very nature of what baptism is requires that the person know and understand the reasons why they are to be baptized and be able to make that decision for themselves. Therefore, we do not baptize very young children. We leave the decision up to the parents when a child is over the age of 5. Please contact us if you have further questions, or see one of the pastors.


I need to speak to someone, how do I get counseling?

What we offer is biblical discipleship. We believe Jesus is the only answer to any problems we may face, and that He has given His Holy Spirit and His Word to help us along the way. The same is true for marital counseling. Please call the church office if you would like to talk with one of the pastors, or feel free to approach them at the church after a service.


We want to get married, what do we need to do?

You should first talk to Pastor Steve if you want him to perform your wedding. Secondly, you will need to pick up a set of forms at the church office for pre-marriage counseling, or download them here. You will need one for each of you.  You will also find further explanation of what is required on the pre-marriage counseling forms.


What is the process for baby dedications?  What about older kids?

You simply need to fill out a baby dedication form and then turn it in to the church office. You may pick one up at the church office or download it here.  Please check with the office as to the availability of a particular date. Note, because of time constraints, we do not do Baby Dedications on Communion Sundays, the first Sunday of the month. The only age requirement we ask is that your child is old enough to hold their own head up, (generally 3 months or so). Older children are fine, and you may also have them stand with you for the dedication of your younger child if you desire.


Can my child sit with me in service?  Can my 3yr old and 10yr old be in the same class?

Please see the Ministries page to read our policy on kids in service.  As to siblings together, our policy is that children attend the class that is designed for their age group. If however, there is a problem or disability that you feel is an exception, please speak with the children's church director or the person overseeing at your particular service.

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